Estética dental

Creamos sonrisas sanas y naturales con nuestro exclusivo protocolo digital

To achieve excellence in dental aesthetics, it is necessary to follow a systematic process of diagnosis, communication, planning, execution and maintenance over time.

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a new and innovative concept to achieve a perfect smile.
Using internal and external resources and our prototyping technology, it is possible to achieve a precise and accurate representation of the desired result through careful planning.

With Digital Smile Design, we start by scanning the teeth to create a facial analysis, using the highest quality digital cameras and videos in our own professional photo-video studio.
The link between the teeth, gums, lips and smile is better understood through the analysis of these photos and videos.
With the help of these photos and videos, a 3D drawing of the perfect smile is created according to the previously established parameters.

The main objective of DSD is to create healthy and naturally beautiful smiles that promote self-esteem in our patients.

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is one of the most popular dental procedures because it is an affordable, low-risk procedure that can improve your smile without affecting the tooth structure.

After the whitening procedure, the result can be up to three shades lighter.

Whitening at home

How does it work?

  • After an impression of your teeth, a custom-made tray is created in the laboratory.
  • The trays can be worn during the day or night, depending on your preferences, for a few hours. After several days, results are already visible and after only 2 weeks, the treatment is complete.
  • Your personalized whitening tray can be kept and reused later for touch-up whitening.

Who are the trays intended for?

The whitening trays are intended for people over 18 years of age, who have no contraindications to their application and who wish to have whiter teeth for a long time.

Precautions and advice

A check-up appointment with a dental surgeon is necessary prior to your whitening. Indeed, the absence of cavities, tartar or other pathologies (such as loosening for example) are essential before starting the treatment.

This treatment is not recommended for pregnant women, heavy smokers and adolescents. It is also important to note that dental crowns and composites do not bleach. If they are present on the front teeth, they will have to be changed after tooth whitening and adapted to the new color of the teeth.

The natural color of the teeth - which ranges from orange to gray to yellow and white - is unique to each individual. It is dependent on the effect of the mineral salts present in the dentin (the tissue underneath the tooth enamel). Contrary to popular belief, a yellow tooth is a well mineralized tooth that is more resistant to cavities. On the other hand, diaphanous, opalescent teeth are poorly mineralized teeth, often sensitive to acid attacks responsible for cavities.

Devitalized teeth can also be whitened by internal bleaching. A small opening is made on the back of the devitalized tooth and the whitening product is introduced directly into it.

Chairside Whitening

It is done in a single step of about one hour.
First, a scaling is performed. The gums are then protected with a gel so that only the surface of the tooth is treated. A product is then applied to the tooth.
Whitening makes the teeth brighter, but also eliminates discoloration caused by external factors such as diet, medication, coffee or cigarettes.


Immeuble Soualiga - Bellevue

Horario de apertura

Lunes a viernes: 7.30 a 18.00
Sábado: 7.30 a 12.30
Domingo: Cerrado

7.30 a 10.00
13.30 a 15.00